Monday, September 30, 2019

Thorn Queen Chapter Six

Kiyo always healed quickly, and when we got home that night, he was in fine condition to see who could put on the highest-quality performance in bed. Consequently, he woke in a very cheerful mood the next day, though he still couldn't help a little grumbling about following along yet again. I knew it was all gruffness, though. He liked knowing I was safe, and that warmed something up inside of me. â€Å"You tricked me,† he remarked once we'd crossed over to the Otherworld that morning. I was hoping these bandits would be as easy to dispatch as the kobolds, unnatural hybrids of small animals aside. â€Å"After that thing you did in bed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He sighed happily at the memory of a particularly skillful feat my mouth had performed last night. â€Å"Well, you know I'd agree to do anything now.† â€Å"Come on,† I said, still feeling a bit proud. â€Å"It has nothing to do with that. Don't you want to see justice served to those who dare torment my subjects?† â€Å"Careful there. People might think you're acting like a real queen.† I glanced down at my torn jeans and Poison T-shirt. â€Å"Well, let's not get carried away. Maybe it'd help if I got a crown like Dorian said.† To my astonishment, Kiyo's teasing expression immediately hardened. â€Å"No. That's the last thing you should do.† I stared in surprise. â€Å"Why not? Too Miss America?† â€Å"It'll make you seem more†¦official.† I gestured around at the tapestry-draped castle room we'd appeared in. â€Å"We're in a fucking castle, Kiyo. I don't really see how it can get any more official.† â€Å"You don't understand. I mean, you're a queen, yeah, and they all know it†¦but a lot just see you as this warrior stand-in. Like a regent. Get a crown†¦start appearing before lots of people in it, and I don't know. It makes you legitimate. It makes it real. It'll be harder for you to get out of this than it already is.† I thought about how often I'd wished I hadn't been saddled with this land and how often I'd tried to avoid it-yet still kept coming back. â€Å"I don't think it can get any harder.† We found Shaya before heading out on our raid. I'd brought some things that I hoped would help with the Thorn Land's drought and famine. When I gave the first one to her, she could only stare in silence for several moments. â€Å"Your majesty†¦what is this?† â€Å"It's a children's place mat I got from Joe's Tex-Mex restaurant.† Along with Joe's kid's menu, the place mat also depicted a map of Arizona that kids could color while waiting for their food. I pointed to the assorted symbols on the map. â€Å"See, this shows Arizona's natural resources. The stuff that grows and can be found there. Cotton. Copper.† â€Å"What's this?† she asked, pointing to something that resembled a glass of liquid. I frowned. It certainly wasn't water, that was for damned sure. â€Å"I think it's some kind of citrus product. Orange. Grapefruit.† I shrugged. â€Å"I think you can grow either in this weather. And that's the point. This land mirrors Tucson, so all the things there should be the same here. There should be copper deposits that you guys can find. That's valuable in trade, right?† Copper was one of the few metals gentry could handle. Iron was right out, being the harbinger of technology. That's what made it one of my most lethal weapons. â€Å"And the rest should grow here, if you can find seeds. Someone must have them somewhere, even in this world.† â€Å"They still need water,† she pointed out. â€Å"Right. That's what this is for.† I handed her my next prize: a book. â€Å"It's a history of the engineering of wells and aqueducts from ancient and medieval Europe. It should help in moving water around.† She still looked stunned, so I tried to think of something comforting. â€Å"I'll help find more water sources too.† I then handed her another book about Southwest architecture, adobe and stucco homes. She took the books and flipped through them, taking in the dense chapters and diagrams. â€Å"I don't think I'm the right person to do this. I don't have the mind for it.† â€Å"Maybe not. But I'm sure you can delegate to someone who can.† I patted her encouragingly on the arm. The truth was, I was as baffled by the book as she was. I could put together jigsaw puzzles in record time. Reading engineering diagrams? Not so much. â€Å"Just be careful with them-those are library books.† I had to go then and felt a little bad about leaving her. Yet, despite her confusion now, I knew she would find people and ways to implement this. She was just that competent. Maybe I should have had more of a hand in this, but hey, I'd been the one who had to choke down Joe's crap Tex-Mex food in order to score the place mat. That had to count for something. If I'd had my way, I would have just taken Kiyo and gone out to hunt down these bandits ourselves. I had to imagine they were just riffraff and not much of an obstacle to us. Kiyo was a pretty fierce fighter, as last night had shown, and between my weapons and magic, I was his equal. Rurik had protested this plan, however, insisting that he and almost two dozen guards come along. I didn't think this gave us much in the way of stealth, but he'd told me we'd dismount and go on foot once we reached the passes the bandits lived in. Before we left, I decided we might as well add one more person to our entourage. I stepped into a darkened corner, far from the light of candles in the room, and took out my wand. Immediately, the guards moved away from me. They knew what I was going to do and didn't like it. When something magical made gentry uneasy, you knew it was bad. I spoke the words of summoning and felt magic move through me. It wasn't the storm magic I'd inherited, the pull to water and air. This was a learned human magic, a way of reaching out to the worlds beyond. The temperature in the room dropped, a sudden shock compared to the dry heat we'd just been in. Then, the cold lifted, and Volusian stood before me. Volusian was my minion, for lack of a better word. He was a damned soul, cursed to wander without rest for all eternity after committing atrocious acts in life. I'd fought and bound him to me, forcing him to serve me. Volusian wasn't very happy about this and frequently liked to remind me of how he would destroy me if he ever broke free of my control. After hearing stuff like that over and over, it almost took on a familiar feel, kind of like how a pop song heard often enough will work its way into your heart. While Otherworldly spirits often had insubstantial forms in the human world, the shape Volusian had now looked exactly the same as it would if I summoned him back home: a short, imp-like creature with black skin, pointed ears, and red eyes. â€Å"My mistress calls,† he said in a flat voice. â€Å"And I answer. Regretfully.† â€Å"Oh, Volusian,† I said cheerfully. â€Å"Always a joy to have you around. You're such a ray of sunshine on a dreary day.† Volusian merely stared. I turned to the others, hoping I sounded queenly and authoritative. â€Å"Alright. Let's go kick some outlaws out of town.† I still wasn't used to having an entourage of guards. So much of my life had been solitary, so much of it spent fighting on my own†¦well, I didn't really know what to do with so many people at my back. As we headed toward our destination, I found it was a lot easier to deal with the guards if I just focused on Kiyo and pretended we were alone. â€Å"I can't believe you gave Shaya a place mat and now expect her to revolutionize this place's total infrastructure,† he noted. â€Å"What else am I supposed to do?† I asked. â€Å"You were just complaining about me getting too involved in this place. Handing off a place mat is about as uninvolved as I can get-unless you're saying I should take a more active role now?† â€Å"No,† he answered swiftly, face darkening a little. â€Å"Believe me, if there were an easy way for you to give up this place, I'd make you do it.† I cut him a glance. â€Å"You'd make me, huh?† â€Å"Encourage,† he amended. â€Å"Unfortunately, it's a moot point. The only way to lose a kingdom is if your power drops or†¦well, if you're killed.† â€Å"I'm sure Volusian would love to help with that.† My minion walked near me, needing no horse to move swiftly. Upon hearing his name, he said, â€Å"I would perform the deed with great relish and much suffering on your part, mistress.† â€Å"You can't put a price on that kind of loyalty,† I told Kiyo solemnly. â€Å"No crown even required.† Kiyo grunted noncommittally. There was a lot of tension between him and Dorian, but the one thing they both agreed on was that Volusian was trouble. Both had encouraged me to get rid of him. I didn't have the power to completely banish him to the Underworld, but it probably could be managed with another magic user. Still, dangerous or no, I continued to retain the spirit's services. â€Å"Are you going to stick around when we're done here?† I asked. That was my subtle way of asking if Kiyo was going to see Maiwenn. His dark eyes were on the road ahead, thoughtful. â€Å"No. I was hoping to go back to Tucson and see if I could get this hot chick I know to go out with me. I hear she's in demand, though. She keeps putting me off each time I try to plan something romantic.† â€Å"Yeah, well, maybe if you come up with a good itinerary, you could lure her out.† â€Å"I was thinking dinner at Joe's.† I made a face. â€Å"If that's the case, maybe you'd better brace yourself for rejection.† â€Å"Red Pepper Bistro?† â€Å"Okay. Now you're in the zone.† â€Å"Followed by a long massage in the sauna.† â€Å"That's pretty good too.† â€Å"And then indecent things in the sauna.† â€Å"I hope you mean you'll be doing the indecent things-because I more than did my share last night.† Kiyo glanced over at me with a mischievous grin. â€Å"Who says I'm talking about you?† I would have swatted him if he'd been in reach. Instead, I grinned back, my mood happy and light. Bantering with him like this was just like the old days, back before Maiwenn and this baby business was an issue. I felt like his girlfriend again. And despite just having had sex last night, I couldn't deny the truth. Thinking about having sex with him in the sauna was doing uncomfortable-pleasantly uncomfortable-things to my body, particularly with my legs spread like they were. Our gazes met, and I felt an answering heat in his eyes. I remembered how fierce he'd been while throwing himself in front of me last night and could perfectly envision that same fierceness translated into passion in bed. The lines and muscles of his body suddenly seemed that much stronger, and I could imagine his hands all over me†¦. Rurik trotted up beside me and interrupted my pornographic thoughts. â€Å"We need to go on foot now. We're getting close.† We stopped on the edge of a â€Å"forest† comprised of saguaro cactuses and scraggly trees. They spread on ahead of us, up toward some sharp rises in the land that turned into sandy red cliffs studded with rocks. While tethering the horses, Kiyo decided he'd go ahead and scout in fox form. â€Å"If you can't change back, that's going to seriously interfere with our date,† I told him. He ran a hand along my bare arm, making every part of me tingle. â€Å"Nah, nothing's interfering with that. I'll go in small fox form-they'll never see me.† He slowly shape-shifted, his large, muscled frame growing smaller, then elongating into a red fox about as big as a medium-sized dog. He brushed against my leg and then disappeared into the vegetation ahead. I watched him go. Some part of me would always worry about those I loved, but overall, I had confidence in Kiyo when it came to dangerous situations. The rest of us milled about in the midday heat, passing water around. About twenty minutes later, Kiyo returned. With each approaching step, he transformed from a cuddly furry critter into the man I loved. Not that I didn't love him as a fox too. â€Å"They're over there, just like we thought,† Kiyo said. There was kind of a lope as he walked, a leftover from the fox form. It was both cute and sexy at the same time. â€Å"Looks like they're camped out and resting for the day.† â€Å"Any lookouts?† asked Rurik. Kiyo grinned. â€Å"Not anymore.† I rolled my eyes. â€Å"Did you see any girls?† His smile faded. â€Å"No. Just the bandits. They've got a few less people than we do.† â€Å"Well, that's good,† I said, frowning. No girls. What did that mean? Had the couple in the village been wrong? Maybe their daughter really had run off with her boyfriend. Still, if this group was harassing people, getting rid of them would certainly be a good deed. Kiyo and Rurik plotted strategy on how to sneak up on the camp, and our group set off, planning to fan out around the brigands. With no lookouts, the gang had no one to warn them of our approach and seemed totally unaware when we got our first glimpse of them. They were mostly men, with a few women. The women clearly weren't captured girls, though. They were older and hardened from harsh living. The whole group looked like it had seen hard times, actually. There was a toughness about them that suggested they'd fight tooth and nail. Based on an earlier discussion, I'd thought our whole group would just swoop down at once. Instead, one of my guards suddenly stepped out and shouted, â€Å"Surrender in the name of the queen!† Oh God, I thought. He did not just say that. There was no time to ponder it further as my party charged forward. â€Å"Remember,† I hissed to Volusian. â€Å"Subdue. Don't kill.† He didn't look happy about this. Of course, he never looked happy. The rest of my guards had orders to avoid killing if they could but not to hesitate if it was their life or a bandit's. I wanted prisoners we could question later and didn't really like the idea of furthering my tyrannical image if I could help it. As I'd expected, the bandits fought back. No surrender here. They had conventional gentry weapons, as well as some weak fighting magic. It became clear early on that taking prisoners was a little harder than killing. Killing was fast. Taking someone down and tying them up was a little more complicated. It exposed you to attacks from others. Nonetheless, I saw my guards handily bind two of the bandits right away. A couple other bandits got killed shortly thereafter, but they'd had knives at my men's throats and left us no alternative. Kiyo and I were working together to tie a flailing man up when I suddenly felt a surge of magic in the air. I stopped what I was doing. It wasn't gentry magic. In fact, none of the others noticed it right away. As a shaman, I'd developed a sensitivity to creatures and powers from the different worlds. This power made my skin prickle and had a slimy, oily feel to it. It wasn't from the human world or even the Otherworld. There were Underworld creatures here. â€Å"Demons,† I said, just as they materialized within the camp. â€Å"There are fucking demons here.†

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Indian Dairy Industry- Swot

Indian Dairy Sector- Overview & SWOT Posted by  admin  on Tuesday, July 31, 2012  ·Ã‚  Leave a Comment   inShare | Import of key items on the increase to meet shortage| Import of dairy items during April 2009-February 2010 surged by a massive 275. 5 per cent to Rs 284. 88 crore. | | In April 2008-February 2009, import of milk and other dairy products was only Rs 75. 86 crore. | The dairy products imports mainly comprise skimmed milk powder and butter oil brought in by the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)  to meet shortfall  in milk procurement of its subsidiary, Mother Dairy, and other co-operatives.With their procurement lagging behind, liquid milk supplies have been affected in many States. B L 180510| SWOT ANALYSIS OF INDIAN DAIRY INDUSTRY| Strengths:| * Demand profile: Absolutely optimistic. | * Margins: Quite reasonable, even on packed liquid milk. | * Flexibility of product mix: Tremendous. With balancing equipment, you can keep on adding to your product line . | * Availability of raw material: Abundant. Presently, more than 80 per cent of milk produced is flowing into the unorganized sector, which requires proper channelization. * Technical manpower: Professionally-trained, technical human resource pool, built over last 30 years. | Weaknesses:| * Perishability: Pasteurization has overcome this weakness partially. UHT gives milk long life. Surely, many new processes will follow to improve milk quality and extend its shelf life. | Lack of control over yield: Theoretically, there is little control over milk yield. However, increased awareness of developments like embryo transplant, artificial insemination and properly managed animal husbandry practices, coupled with higher income to rural milk producers should automatically lead to improvement in milk yields. Logistics of procurement: Woes of bad roads and inadequate transportation facility make milk procurement problematic. But with the overall economic improvement in India, these problem s would also get solved. | Problematic distribution: Yes, all is not well with distribution. But then if ice creams can be sold virtually at every nook and corner, why can’t we sell other dairy products too? Moreover, it is only a matter of time before we see the emergence of a cold chain linking the producer to the refrigerator at the consumer’s home! Competition: With so many newcomers entering this industry, competition is becoming tougher day by day. But then competition has to be faced as a ground reality. The market is large enough for many to carve out their niche. | Opportunities:| â€Å"Failure is never final, and success never ending†. Dr Kurien bears out this statement perfectly. He entered the industry when there were only threats. He met failure head-on, and now he clearly is an example of ‘never ending success’!If dairy  entrepreneurs  are looking for opportunities in India, the following areas must be tapped:| * Value addition: Th ere is a phenomenal scope for innovations in product development, packaging and presentation. Given below are potential areas of value addition:| * Steps should be taken to introduce value-added products like shrikhand, ice creams, paneer, khoa, flavored milk, dairy sweets, etc. This will lead to a greater presence and flexibility in the market place along with opportunities in the field of brand building. * Addition of cultured products like yoghurt and cheese lend further strength – both in terms of utilization of resources and presence in the market place. | A lateral view opens up opportunities in milk proteins through casein, caseinates and other dietary proteins, further opening up export opportunities. | Yet another aspect can be the addition of infant foods, geriatric foods and nutritionals. | Export potential: Efforts to exploit export potential are already on. Amul is exporting to Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and the Middle East.Following the new GATT treaty, opp ortunities will increase tremendously for the export of agri-products in general and dairy products in particular. | Threats:| Milk vendors, the un-organized sector: Today milk vendors are occupying the pride of place in the industry. Organized dissemination of information about the harm that they are doing to producers and consumers should see a steady decline in their importance. | The study of this SWOT analysis shows that the ‘strengths’ and ‘opportunities’ far outweigh ‘weaknesses’ and ‘threats’.Strengths and opportunities are fundamental and weaknesses and threats are transitory. Any investment idea can do well only when you have three essential ingredients: entrepreneurship (the ability to take risks), innovative approach (in product lines and marketing) and values (of quality/ethics). | The Indian dairy industry, following its delicensing, has been attracting a large number of entrepreneurs. Their success in dairying depend s on factors such as an efficient yet economical procurement network, hygienic and cost-effective processing facilities and innovativeness in the market place. |

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Reaction paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 31

Reaction paper - Essay Example Even if employees are not ranked according to their performance, other adjustments like salary, and benefits are necessarily made. The only difference is that some organizations strict in this evaluation system to the extent that they do forced ranking while others apply other measures. I personally believe that Salwa’s and Abdullah’s points are more realistic in that they represent the organizational culture and practices of a wide array of organizations. The negative points that Youseef and Andrew have identified are also correct but have lesser application than the points of Salwa and Abdullah. However, I do agree that forced ranking may lead to employee dissatisfaction since this occurs as a result of evaluation of the employees’ performance by the management, and the management’s decision can be faulty, but there are ways to improve the evaluation system. A potential way to improve forced ranking and make it more justified is involving a board of managers in the decision making process rather than giving the entire decision making responsibility to one manager. This will remove bias from the decision and improve the evaluation

Friday, September 27, 2019

Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Summary - Assignment Example Resultantly, the author concluded that the ICT can be incorporated in the Etsako to optimize profits and to increase business efficiency. Three recommendations were proposed in this study. First, hospitality stakeholders should create awareness on the need for organizations to deploy ICT in their operations as a strategy to achieve effectiveness. Also, Hospitality organizations need to equip their employees with ICT skills through the launch of effective training programs. Finally, the ICT related workshops and seminars should be organized for hospitality proprietors and managers to get them acquainted with the significance of ICT in hospital operations. Dana (2013) conducted a statistical research with the primary objective of establishing the role of information technology in the hospitality industry. His research focused on the grouping manner of hotels in Mures County according to the use of ICT technology and the typological analysis of hotels in line with the IT. Interviews were conducted to collect data for the purpose of the research. The following hypotheses were generated and tested for the purpose of this research: After testing the research analysis, all the hypotheses of the study were reaffirmed. The main conclusion of the research was that in Mures County, the hotel industry has integrated little IT technology within their business framework. For those organizations that have incorporated ICT in the business framework, it is clear that this technology goes way far in contributing to the organizational profits. In this view, the author recommends that the hotel managers integrate IT into their business framework. For large organizations, Dana suggests that they adopt the use of professional software to improve their data management system. Lastly, the research recommends that more information technology awareness be created to facilitate its integration in the hospitality industry as a strategy to optimize organizational

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The glass ceiling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The glass ceiling - Essay Example ceived superiority of men in administrative and leadership roles, diminishment of women’s voices in decision-making situations and valuation of perceived ‘masculine’ traits, such as, aggression and dominance over perceived ‘feminine’ traits like understanding and patients, especially in highly competitive and political environments. The glass ceiling has a variety of effects on women. The first and most obvious is to subtly exclude them from reaching top positions in their fields. While a few women do make it into upper management or leadership roles in their fields, the vast majority of most professions, and especially the highest echelons of those professions, remain dominated by men. This process can also create a significant negative impact on a woman’s personal life. Most obviously, professional stalling that occurs when women hit the glass ceiling and are no longer able to advance creates significant emotional problems, such as, professional frustration and decreased self-worth. Women are often made to make lose-lose choices, for instance, having to decide between having a child, and thus loosing time, energy and prestige at work, or focusing on their careers and losing out on family opportunities – choices men are never forced to make. (For question three, maybe focus on things such as the fact that you can use traditionally feminine traits to be an excellent psychologist, you can side-step traditional hierarchies that exist in other professions, and publish work in a merit-based fashion to achieve prestige without needing to go through patriarchal

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The use of cigarettes as an accessory in fashion images Essay

The use of cigarettes as an accessory in fashion images - Essay Example The essay "The use of cigarettes as an accessory in fashion images" discusses the use of cigarettes in the images of fashion. This was done through the clever slogans that were used such as â€Å"There are many reasons to smoke now,† â€Å"We make Virginia Slims especially for women because they are biologically superior to men† and â€Å"You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby.† It was also done through the use of glamorous-looking women and Hollywood stars seen smoking in the advertisements and in newsreels or films. Women wanting to associate themselves with these ideas of desirability, independence or needed a means of gaining better control over their emotions would take to smoking because they were mimicking the activities of the famous people they see through these media representations. To see how this works, it is helpful to examine how cigarettes have appeared in non-cigarette-related advertising and reinforced these ideas. Cigarettes started appearing in a dvertisements early on as a means of emphasizing the self-reliance and desirability of the female individual. Several examples of this can be found in the images collected in Farid Chenoune’s collection of lingerie images Hidden Femininity. One such example is the following image taken in the early 1900s. This black and white vintage photograph depicts a curvaceous woman in a lacy black teddy with high-cut ‘French’ style legs and a low-cut front that blouses mostly open over her chest. This cut emphasizes the curve of her hips and suggests the curves of her breasts.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The impact of Homeland Security on our daily lives in America Term Paper

The impact of Homeland Security on our daily lives in America - Term Paper Example The wide set of measures incorporated into homeland security for enhancing the economic sustainability and safety of the communities in America would have an impact on the way the communities continued their existence (Bullock, Haddow & Coppola, 2012). Responsibilities as envisaged in homeland security lay dispersed among a hundred different government agencies, reducing the speed and flexibility required for an efficient homeland security. Therefore, it was felt that it would be better to create the umbrella Department of Homeland Security to overcome the patchwork of government activities through the tens of government agencies. Thus, the Department of Homeland Security was formed armed with policies, regulation, and programs to provide homeland security (President Bush, 2002). Impact of Homeland Security The people of America have for long enjoyed a legal tradition that upheld individual civil liberties and resisted any infringement of the state on the civil liberties of its citiz ens. The measures provided to the Department of Homeland Security in the form of more intrusive surveillance, increased policing powers, reduction in the restrictions on search and seizure, easier wiretapping, and intrusion of privacy run against the grain of civil liberties. It was only after the fear of the September 11, 2001 attack had diminished did the realization dawn that one of the key areas that the impact of homeland security was being felt lay in the domain of civil liberties (Miller, 2003). The courts have for over a long period of time recognized the President of the United States as the constitutional authority to uphold and protect national security. Such an authority carries with it wide discretionary powers. Since homeland security has been created by the President to uphold and protect national security, the courts would be reluctant to infringe on the provisions of homeland security, as it would run against the grain of the recognition granted to the President as the constitutional authority for upholding and protecting national security (Nicholson, 2005). Intrusion and invasion are key words in the procedures and regulations of homeland security that are being experienced by the citizens of America. As a consequence of homeland security the airport security has been tightened. Full body scanners greet passengers at airports. In case that is not sufficient invasive-pat downs are a feature at the various airports around the country. The Secretary of homeland security has not only justified these enhanced security measures at airports, but also maintains that no changes need be expected anywhere in the near future (Airlliner Security, 2010). Expanded surveillance is a part of the initiatives under homeland security. This expanded security has led to the use of closed circuit televisions (CCTV) in public places, public transportations, and immigration offices. Easier access to individual records is another feature, whereby the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) can seek and receive any personal records of any individual. This provides powers for accessing the financial records, medical histories, Internet usage, travel patterns, and any other records. Such information was formerly considered private information, but homeland security has removed the privacy element of these records. More intrusive is the expansion provided in the wiretap law. Even if an individual is not engaged in

Monday, September 23, 2019

In reference to abnormal psychology, what causes substance-related Research Proposal

In reference to abnormal psychology, what causes substance-related disorders, particularly those dealing with alcohol abuse - Research Proposal Example Increased tolerance for alcohol is genetically mediated (Alcohol abuse, Mental health channel). Neurobiological influences: People use illegal drugs and alcohol for their pleasurable experiences. Human brain has a pleasure pathway that mediates our experience of reward. Researchers have proposed the domaminergic system and its opioid-releasing neurons as the pleasurable pathway. This begins in the midbrain ventral segmental area and then work its way forward through the nucleus accumbens and on the frontal vortex (Barlow & Durand, 2004). The substances activate this center and impart feelings of pleasure. Drugs like amphetamine and cocaine directly activate the dopaminergic system. Opiates inhibit GABA which inturn stops the GABA neurons from inhibiting dopamine, thus making dopamine more available in the reward center (Barlow & Durand, 2004). Other than imparting pleasures, these drugs also have anxiolytic effect and remove unpleasant experiences like pain and feelings of illness. Alcohol has a strong anxiolytic effect. The anxiolytic effects are because of the drugs are due to their involvement with septal/hippocampal system which have a large number of GABA-sensitive neurons (Barlow & Durand, 2004). Many of the drugs enhance the activity of GABA in this region and inhibit the brains normal reaction to anxiety-producing situations. Some studies have pointed to a relation between certain brain wave patterns and an increased risk for alcoholism (Barlow & Durand, 2004). Racial influences: Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans have deficiency or absence of alcohol dehydrogenase and hence tend to drink less and are at lower risk for alcoholism (Alcohol abuse, Mental health channel). This is because, the inability to metabolize alcohol in these people causes various symptoms like vomiting, flushing, and increased heart rate, thus making drinking difficult.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

See atachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See atachment - Essay Example btaining additional market share of the competitor that totals 9.1 per cent, Albertsons increases the number of stores to 2400 letting each business unit operate on the regular basis without wrapping up their performance. Buying the assets of its main competitor, Albertsons at once becomes one of the biggest employers within the grocery industry. Though a lot of analysts consider the companys action as an essential step for suppressing numerous competitors due to the significance of scale benefits, some specialists remain skeptical regarding positive consequences of such deal on consumers. It is forecasted that company merger will lead to the narrowed product choice in the market and increased prices on the groceries because these are the major consequences of reduced competition. In contrast to this statement, CEO of Albertsons, Robert G. Miller, asserts that due to the changes of consumer behavior and preferences, the company is forced to adjust in order to save its market position (Hsu par. 14). The combination of businesses will considerably reduce production costs and enhance the quality of products due to raised effectiveness of mutual distribution system. Taking into account that lower costs will result in higher profits, there are no grounds for the company to raise prices, which may lead to the loss of loyal and pot ential customers. In addition, it is less likely that the company will increase prices also because of the great number of existed alternatives in the market. In this respect, according to the prognosis of analysts, consumers are not supposed to face any negative consequences of the impending acquisition. It is fair to state that the deal between Albertsons and Safeway will become a great incentive for other companies to follow their example since benefits of the purchase excel its disadvantages. First of all, Albertsons will upgrade its stores providing fresh and new image to the entire company. Every time when the market environment is

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Characters in Teechers Essay Example for Free

Characters in Teechers Essay The characters that I played were Mr Basford and Doug the Caretaker. Mr Basford is the deputy head, a typical child hater, a nasty piece of work while Doug the Caretaker is, a miserable old man who hates kids and drama. I think I was very well suited to play these characters, as I like to shout a lot and use my voice to project what Im saying. With Mr Basford my face was in a permanent frown, as thats how I would imagine him to be, just a man that would never ever smile, even at anything that everybody else would find funny. I dont think that I did any specific gestures as Mr Basford. I know that when I was shouting, I was rocking back and forth on my feet to try and emphasise that I was angry and to try and show that I was so angry that I couldnt control myself. I walked around the room like I owned it, to try and show that I was in total control as I think that Mr Basford would just have a lot of authority so thats what I was trying to show. I put my back straight and led my walk with my nose, as if I was looking down it at people because I had a higher status then them. My favourite phrase that I used was May the Lord thy God have mercy on your soul, for I, my child, certainly will not! I used this one obviously to show what Mr Basford would be like, using ridiculous phrases to show how angry and crazy he is, which I said in a sarcastic tone. I didnt necessarily put a specific accent on, but I did raise my voice quite a lot because I think that he would just be shouting all the time. I think that if I could choose a costume for Mr Basford then he would be wearing a grey, boring dull coloured suit with an equally dull shirt and tie, just to emphasise how boring and dull he is. He would probably wear the same clothes all through the week only washing it at weekends so that he had a quite stale smell. He would also be wearing some sensible black shoes because he is in general a sensible man that wouldnt really be caught wearing trainers. My other character, Doug the Caretaker I think was quite an easy character to play as he was sort of a stereotype of a caretaker. He wasnt a very smart character and only moaned about was everybody else not letting him do his job. Again, with Doug, I had a frown on all the time I was in role as him. As I said earlier Doug is a miserable old man who hates kids and drama. So because of this I thought it would be a good idea to make him look as grumpy and miserable and unhappy as possible. I tried to show this by changing my facial expressions accordingly. When I was arguing with Mr Nixon, I tried to show as clearly as possible that I was not very happy that he wasnt letting me clean the hall. All the way through, I had my buffer out and tried to show that I wanted to clean so I held my arms out to try and show that I really had it to try and show it realistically. When I moved, I was hunched over and I was on a quite low level. I did this for this character because I think he would have quite a low status and that all of those years of cleaning would have done his back in so therefore he would have to hunch over so he didnt do anymore damage to it. With Doug, I put on a Norfolk-come-Farmer accent. I used this because I tried to make him sound different and kind of uneducated. I think that my accent was quite effective and it had a bit of a comedic effect on the audience, as it was so unexpected. I didnt use any specific phrases while I was in role as Doug but I said things like Arghget out of my hall, I need to do my job and youre not letting me!

Friday, September 20, 2019

System Engineering: Amphibious Car

System Engineering: Amphibious Car 1 Statement of work In 20th century, system engineering has been developed for human beings in order satisfy their needs in transportation services by implementing multipurpose vehicle. The aim of inventing amphibious automobile is to travel on the road as well as operate in water as water vehicle. The objective of our team is to produce an energy efficient, environmentally friendly consumer vehicle which can compete Richard Bransons record set in the Gibbs Aquada implemented on 2004.To develop the conceptual new generation of amphicar, the team has to research on the first generation model manufactured in 1961-1968. As described on the above, to beat in performance as well as in energy efficiency, team need to be digested in the ideas of Gibbs Aquada. To meet the above requirements, amphicar should be assembled with jet engine using Supersonic Amphibious (SSA) Technology to increase the acceleration compare with the last generation. The vehicle will have the maximum capacity of 4 persons, which average body weight of 80KG. The amphicar should have minimum operation hour of 2 hours in the water. The expected project duration for the whole project will be 30 days with reserved one week for any delay. The project can be divided into 4 major chapters, which are Systems Engineering Management Plan, System Requirement Specification, Functional Analysis and Allocation and System Specification. Each chapter will have 2 days for preparation, 3 days for research and 2 days for final report. 2 Work breakdown structure 2.1 Gantt Chart 2.1.1 Schedule Functional Analysis Allocation 2.2 Cost No Name Budget (US$) Expected Cost (US$) 1 Project Plan 20,000 20,000 2 1 Statement of Work 1,000 3 2 Work Breakdown Structure 0 4 2.1 Schedule 0 5 2.2 Cost 0 6 2.3 Product Testing Method 1,500 7 3 Program Management 2,500 8 4 Risk Management 2,500 9 5 Resources Required 2,500 10 6 Deliverables 5,000 11 7 Organization Structure 0 12 8 Operational Concept 5,000 13 System Requirements Specification 20,000 20,000 14 9 Scope 0 15 9.1 System overview 1,000 16 9.2 Document overview 2,000 17 10 Referenced Document 2,000 18 11 Needs 12,000 19 12 Requirements 2,000 20 12.1 General Requirements 1,500 21 12.2/3 Priority Table Method Table 500 22 12.4 System Capability or Mode 1,000 23 Functional Analysis and Allocation 10,000 10,000 24 13 Scope 2,000 25 14 Referenced Documents 1,000 26 15 Functional analysis 2,500 27 16.1 Physical Overview 2,000 28 16.2 Component details 2,500 29 System test specification 10,000 10,000 30 Document overview 2,000 31 Test detail 8,000 32 Final system specification 15,000 15,000 33 Final analysis Documentation 15,000 34 Miscellaneous 5,000 5,000 Total cost for the whole project 80,000 80,000 2.4 Product testing method Testing is a kind of demonstration the abilities of the product in terms of performance characteristics, advantages and limitations that have been adequately determined for a specific purpose. Reliability is an objective measurement of method reproducibility. If the test is not sufficiently reliable, that product is not qualified for using on intended purposes. In order to achieve the relevant outcomes of our amphicars objectives, there is some common stages of testing method will be gone through as listed below; Risk Assessment Methods identify new methods in testing methods and strategies Research investigate mechanisms and other resources that can be applied in design and test activities Development incorporate strategies into standardized test methods Validation make sure the accuracy and reproducibility are 100% granted Acceptance determine acceptability for users Implementation ensure effective ways of method for operators and users 3 Program management Project manager will look after the entire project, call for meeting two times a week for progress checking and review whenever issues arise during the period. Project engineer will work out on design specification to be developed and tested accordingly. Risk officer will report risk resolution status to management team. Technical and sale engineers will control the quality assurances and functionality of entire project. Individual will have second plan for the case of emergency if first plan is failed to implement. Each and everyone will communicate and discuss the progress of the project via phone, online instant messages and email. 4 Risk management 4.1 Purpose This document describes how we perform the job of managing risk for Amphicar II project. It defines roles and responsibilities for participants in risk processes, risk management activities that will be carried out, schedule and budget for risk management activities including any tools and technique that will be used. 4.1.1 Project Manager The project manager will assign a Risk Officer to the project for identifying purposes on the projects organization chart. Project Manager, Risk Officer and all project engineers should have videoconference biweekly to review the status of the risk mitigation efforts, review the exposure assessments for any new risk items. 4.1.2 Risk Officer Coordination of risk identification and analysis activities, maintenance of the projects risk list, notification of project management of new risk items and submission of the report in risk resolution status to management. 4.1.3 Project Engineers/Sale/Technical Engineer Officer will assign each newly identified risk to a Project Engineer, who will assess the exposure and probability for the risk factor and report the results of that analysis back to the Risk Officer. All Project Engineers are also responsible for performing the steps of the mitigation plan and reporting progress to the Risk Officer biweekly. 4.2 Risk Documentation Risk Identification 1. Man Power From individuals or organizations, illness, death, resignation. 2. Project Job taking too long, unable to complete within deadline. 3. Financial Over spent project budget, no enough fund to complete the project. 4. System Failure Sever or PC down or crash. 5. Communication Break Down Failure to pass down information. 6. Technical Individual weakness of technical skill and knowledge 7. Procedural Failure of accountability internal system and control. 8. Health Safety Injuries staff in the course of project. 9. Security Loss of data through unauthorized access. 10. Confidential Improper used of data by the staff 4.3 Analysis of Risk and Risk Rating Matrix 4.3.1 Risk Likelihood Assessment Table Probability Description Almost Certain 1 in 10 Chance Likely To Occur Likely 1 in 100 Chance Will Probably Occur Possible 1 in 1000 Chance May Occur Occasionally Unlikely 1 in 10,000 Chance Do Not Expect To Happen Rare 1 in 100,000 Chance Do Not Believe Will Ever Happen 4.3.2 Risk Rating Matrix Table LIKELYHOOD CONSEQUENCE Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Almost Certain Low Significant High High High Likely Low Significant Significant High High Possible Low Low Significant High High Unlikely Very Low Low Significant Significant Significant Rare Very Low Very Low Low Low Significant 4.3.3 Risk Action Level Table Risk Level ACTION LEVEL Very Low Risk Officer Low Risk Officer Significant Department / Team High Project Manager / Department 4.4 Risk response 1. Man Power For individuals or organization, illness, death, resignation, personal matter. Lack of manpower could have caused the direct impact on the whole project progress, such as delaying on the deliverable of the project within given time. According to our Gantt chart, to lessen the impact or to overcome for above risk, we have targets for each section to complete one day before the dead line and also as we have split up our project, everyone has to be submitted to the project manager advanced in two days before the dead line. So that, in case someone leaves in an unexpected condition, we still have time slot to cope the job within the given time. 2. Project Job taking too long, unable to complete within deadline. There could be many reasons for the delay. It is very important and we could face the liability for the delay period. To overcome this risk, we have reserved some tolerance period and fund. Keep track on the project progress with the Gantt chart schedule. 3. Financial After spending more on low priorities, there is not enough funds to complete the project. There are a lot of factors that could cause the financial over spent. The major cost consuming factors are labor cost during the test process to improve the functionality due to unexpected time delay and longer period to done the test. Improper budget plan may cause the project failure. To overcome the risk, we have allocated the budget accordingly and set aside some fund, so that in case of financial crisis or in the worst scenario, we still have some budget to work out. To minimize the test cost without jeopardizing the quality of the product, we implemented all the test procedure and specification carefully. 4. System Failure Sever / PC down or crash. Equipment break down could cause the major issue as well. In the event of server or computer which important information stored was crashed or unable to operate, there will be a delay. We need to re-do all the work and it might cause project failure. To overcome and lessen the impact from this risk, everyone had kept their project information not only in the computer but also at external hard drive and thumb drive. After sending out to project manager at the given date, the project manager had compiled all the individual work and saved it in his external hard drive as well. 5. Communication Break Down Failure to pass down information. The breakdown in communication could cause the total destruction of the entire project. To overcome this risk, we have a schedule to meet one week 2 times, the first meeting of the week will be conducted by video conference. 6. Technical Skills- Weakness of knowledge in technical skill could prolong the employee is handling and maybe even impose the danger or damage to himself or the whole project. To overcome this risk, each one of us has to monitor closely and updates each other. Anyone finds out some important information on the web or book that could improve our knowledge and skill for this project, we had to share by mail or scan the page and attach it. 7. Procedure Failure of accountability, internal system and control. Failure of accountability, internal system and control could cause the whole organization structure collapsed. To lessen this risk, we had already implemented the role and responsibility for each one of us and organization chart. This will ensure each one of remain still on the track while doing project. Moreover by having flexible organization chart (rotation of duty) will ensure that everyone is involved. 8. Health Safety Injuries staff in the course of project. Health and safety always has been the highest priority in every organization. Lacking of safety requirement could cause paralyze the whole organization and goal. To overcome this risk, we had been oriented with safety requirement and regulation issued by WHS (Work place Safety and Health). 9. Security Loss of data through unauthorized access. Loss of data through unauthorized access could have more than unexpected impact on the progress of the project. To overcome the risk, we had implemented all the security access code to our equipments and facility, which contains the informations of the entire project. 10. Confidential Improper used of data by the staff. Improper used of confidential data may cause in leak aging of information to the third party as well as there can be bad reputation in Society. To lessen the risk, we had been brief all the staffs regarding about how to take precaution on this issue. 4.5 Risk Assessment RISK RISK TYPE IMPACT Likely-hood Risk level Current control Mitigation options Risk owner Man power Delay project Medium Medium Amber Back up man power Set target earlier date Risk Officer Overrun dead line Financial Medium Low Amber Closely monitor with schedule time line Risk Officer Over spent on budget Project failure High Low Amber Set aside some fund Risk Officer System Down Operational High Medium Orange Back up system Department /Team Communication break down Project failure High Low Amber Twice a week meeting Risk Officer Lack of skill and knowledge May danger to other Medium Low Amber Sharing knowledge Risk Officer Failure of accountability Operation Medium Low Amber Role responsibility Risk Officer Health safety Sick or Injury Medium Low Amber Brief on WHS Risk Officer Lack of security Operational Medium Low Amber Implement access code Risk Officer Leakage of confidential Operational, Financial High Low Amber Brief on the rule Risk Officer 5 Resources required Defining the resource requirement is dividing the responsibilities of the people who involved. To do this, initially, listing roles and responsibilities for the project then start with the ideal way in which the project should be organized. It is often useful to refer back to the previous project that the people done before which kind of roles and responsibilities exhibited. Also review the resources available such as software, PCs, budgets limitation for the project and the individual member skill that they possess. Lastly, it is required to arrange the responsibilities, which is suited for every team member. 6 Deliverables The projects are monitored from planning to operations. In accordance with the customers needs, wants and expectations, the project should have to plan towards delivering. The purposes are to complete on time, within budget, with the highest degree of quality, etc. Following are some facts of deliverables Procurement and Contract Management The decisions are to be made including selection of contractors and the types of contracts to be utilized. Executive Summary This should be a clear and concise summary of the current status of the project such as budget, schedule, quality etc†¦ Project Activities and Deliverables This is to highlight the deliverables occurring the previous month and planning for the next one to report in meeting, audits and other reviews, design packages submitted etc. Action Items/Outstanding Issues The action items/ outstanding issues may be dropped from this section upon full implementation of the remedial and upon no further monitoring anticipated. Product Quality The product is needed to plan corrective actions for deficient in quality. Internal and Stakeholder Communications It should have a discussion between the internal members and stakeholder. Environmental Monitoring The environmental permits may be obtained to specify additional requirements to be adhered. Safety and Security In order to complete the project, safety and security is required for all individuals working. Traffic Management This should be the requirement for providing monitoring and oversight of day-to-day maintenance of traffic operations. Project Communications (Media and Public Information) A critical objective for the projects is to maintain the trust, support and confidence of the media and public throughout the project. Human Resources Management This includes how roles and responsibilities for the project. Any other project functions that the project sponsors feel would be beneficial to include in the project Management Plan to ultimately help in meeting the project Objectives. 7 Organisational structure 7.1 Roles And Responsibility Project Manager will manage the entire project, assign right task to the right person, call up the meeting and always take note of the deadline. Project Engineer will directly assist to project manager with majority in developing and testing the project. Sale Engineer shall have responsibilities of marketing, budget control, banking and purchasing. Technical Engineer manages the technical part and specification of the project. Risk Officer will maintain the projects risk list, safety and security of the entire project. 8 Operational Concept The project is about the design of the Amphicar-II which is the amphibious vehicle and able to operate as a recreational water vehicle and travel on the land. The aim of the project is to produce an energy efficient, environmentally friendly consumer vehicle and crossing in the English Channel to beat the record of Richard Branson set in the Gibbs Aquada (2004). General description of the project The project carried into 4 parts. a. Draft systems engineering management plan (SEMP) b. Draft system requirement specification (SRS) c. Draft functional analysis and allocation (FAA) d. Final system specification (SS) Before we start the project, we formed the organizational group. Then we analyzed the work breakdown structure, such as schedule, cost and product testing method. First, we drew the gantt chat for schedule and estimated the cost. Then, we analyzed the program and risk management and defined resources and types of deliverables. In the second stage, we defined needs and system requirement specifications. The needs include able to travel on road and water, environmentally friendly, energy efficient and cross the English Channel to beat Gibbs Aquada. The requirements are general, safety, user, environmental, security and privacy and legal requirements. In the third stage, we sketched the functional analysis and allocation. We used the core software to produce the diagram. We sketched the physical designs and write the component details and matched them. And we drew the flow chart to analyze the system. In the final stage, we performed the system testing and summarized the project. And, we made the modification according to the test result. Then, we prepared the report and handover to the customer. System Requirements Specification (SRS) 9 Scope The aim of amphicar-II project is to produce an energy efficient, environmentally friendly consumer vehicle that is capable of travelling on road and operating as a recreational water vehicle. Moreover to introduce the vehicle to public, the first prototype will be used in crossing in the English Channel, beating Richard Bransons record set in the Gibbs Aquada. After years of ‘on the road development, amphibious cars start to introduce to the public which can travel not only on the land also on the water. In this project, we are trying to pursue the new technologies to provide better innovative, efficient, affordable options for daily life. To concern about this, below will briefly describe what the system all about is according to purpose, operation and maintenance. 9.1 System Overview 9.1.1 Vehicle On The Road Hybrid system Hybrid means any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power that can directly or indirectly provide propulsion power. [7] It uses the rechargeable energy storage system and uses as power source to drive the vehicle. As concerns increase over global warming, hybrid uses less fuel and causes less pollution to environment as well as easy mode of transportation and lessening. Operation of hybrid system with engine According to our needs, we should be using Gasoline-electric Hybrid Structure that can compatible to our aims. This structure includes the following parts to operate as hybrid system; Gasoline engine the gasoline engine using in our Amphicar II project will be smaller than other normal car engines but it can help to reduce emissions and increase efficiency Fuel tank the fuel tank in a hybrid acts as an energy storage device for gasoline engine Electric motor the technology of electric motor using at hybrid system is very advance and can be used not only as a motor also as a generator to supply power source to engine. Electric motor can pull energy from the batteries as well as will recharge again while the vehicle is moving. Generator the generator only produce electric power to the engine Batteries the batteries are the energy storage devices for the electric motor in a hybrid car. As for energy efficiency and environmentally friendly, we have choose to use hybrid technology engine for our amphicar-II. Hybrid system is the wave of the future and there is more incentive to purchase one. In our conceptual design for land, the standard production model of Amphicar II will be sport car design and power by larger V-6 engine and more powerful electric motor, with the combination of the concept of plug-in hybrid that will able to go from zero to 62 miles per hour (100 kilometers per hour) in 3.5 sec and will has a top speed of 187miles per hour (301 kilometer per hours) with CVTs continuously variable transmission 5 speed manual high performance close ratio transmission. It will be the first ever its kind of in amphibian car, which can able to deliver the performance of sport car with maximum fuel efficiency. The vehicle type will be front engine, front wheel drive with 3.73-1 axle ratio, 2-doors, 4-passengers, convertible top, fitted with four wheel independent suspension and brake with stainless steel rotor. The amphicar-II will be approximately weighs 3,300lbs(1500 kg) and the weigh will be split up 53-47%, with 53% on the drive tires on the front Operation The controls and operation will be completely carlike on the land. On water the accelerator can be use as a throttle and the steering remains as the same. Vehicle Style The styling of the amphicar-II body structure will be look a bit like Lamborghini. The dimension of the vehicle is 4 meter in length, 2 meter in width and 1.5 meter in height. General Feature Of The Vehicle There will be climate-control system, 4- air bags, tachometer, drivers passengers electric seat, drivers seat memory, speedometer for land and water, cruise control mode, oil pressure, engine temperature, voltage meter, gasoline fume detector, bilge ventilation blower, compass, clock, navigation (GPS), auto pilot system in water mode and AM/FM stereo. 9.1.2 Vehicle On Water Jet Engine To provide faster speed with better performance, we decided to use jet engine with lightweight and compact design while driving on the water. Though there are different types with varies sizes in jet engines, the technology used in jet engine is all the same. The fact is they depend on the high-pressure column of water pushed out of the engine to propel the boat. To travel on the water our Amphicar-II will be power by Berkeley Marine Jet with power trim package and it will has capable of speed up to 40mph (65 km/h) on water. It will able to pull a water skier easily. The Berkeley Marine jet will be design to be lighter and more compact. It will have half a length and one-third the weight, compare to most other water jet. The impeller will be installing and contain inside the body of the jet, therefore it will be very safe for swimmers. The amphicar-II will have a low speed reversing capability by running the water jet in reverse direction. The steering will be mounted on the back of the stator nozzle and will connect to the car steering wheel. Main Body Materials Another great thing about this amphicar-II will be durable and attractive. The lower part of the amphicar-II will be lightweight component the 5052-alloy aluminum single piece hull. The upper part of the amphicar-II body will use lightweight fiberglass to minimize the overall weight of the amphicar-II. Feature On The Lower Part Of The Body The hull will be design to be aerodynamic in road mode and hydrodynamic in water mode. It will provide over 1750kg of hydrodynamic lift. It will also provide a stable planning surface allowing the amphicar-II to skin/plane over the surface of the water when given sufficient from the jet. The hull will have a keel fin that will give s directional stability and provide grip for high speed handling performance on water. There will be a spray rails and chin either side of the body, it will prevent the water spray to the cockpit and ensure the occupants remain dry. Also it will provide grip to give exceptional maneuverability. Special Feature The hull will be pack with floatation foam and the amphicar-II will not sink if it knocked at the bottom part of the body. It will only float on the water in the worst scenario, but it would not sink. Special Feature Of Suspension This amphicar-II will have retractable 4 points independent front and rear suspension system. By retracting its four wheels up to within the wheels housing, it will prevent from the wheel dragging to the water and will increase its water performance, and better manoeuvre ability. Also it will automatically decouple when the engine no longer drives them. The hydraulic rams that move the control arm suspended corner up and down, also serve as automatic ride height control. 9.1.3 Mode Transition There will be mode selection switch, to change either water mode or land mode. The mode selection switch will interlock with water sensor, to prevent from changing to water mode while driving on the road. So that to change from land to water mode, the water sensor has to detect enough water depth in order to retract the four wheels. The switch will also have a cover to prevent from accidentally switching of mode select switch. By pressing the mode selector button to marine mode, it will drops the clutch, disengages the road drive, shifts the transmission into aquatic duty, retract the wheels, the jet drive kick in and take off in water. All this process will take place within 10 sec. The retraction of the wheel will be as same as what AQUADA used but only difference is that the wheels are retracted upwardly and aluminum plates will be occupied firmly without leak aging at the place of the wheels. So the entire Amphicar looks like totally as a boat floating on the water surface confidently. In order to prevent leaks, this Amphicar-II has covered with a single frame using aluminum metal. 9.1.4 Performance It will be like a sport car on the road and speedboat on the water. 9.1.5 Maintenance Frequent hull inspections at panel seams and joints are essential. The user should check and clean after cruising in salt or brackish water is a thorough hosing with fresh water for the entire hull and all exposed suspension and nautical propulsion components. Items need to be check by service engineers are lists down below, 1. Road test 2. Wash oil filter cap and breather 3. Wash air filter and carburetor 4. Renew filter 5. Wash out the petrol pump 6. Clean petrol gauge of three way cock 7. Check fan belt tension and dynamo mounting bolts 8. Check cooling and heating system 9. Clean sparking plugs 10. Renew sparking plugs 11. Check and clean dynamo and starter motor 12. Check and tighten cylinder head nuts 13. Check valve clearance (cold) adjust if necessary 14. Check ignition clean and adjust contact points 15. Check engine, gearbox, radiator and exhaust mountings 16. Check brake and clutch pedal travel, also handbrake 17. Check the gear shift mechanism 18. Check play of steering, adjust if necessary 19. Check tightness of steering mounting bolts and linkage 20. Check play of stub axle bolts, re tighten if necessary 21. Check steering knuckle arm play, re tighten if necessary 22. Check brake hoses for condition and leaks 23. Check front and rear hub bearing adjustment 24. Check shock absorber mounting and coil springs 25. Check function of door hinges and locks 26. Check weather-strips and sealers for condition. Apply talc powder to door sealers 27. Check the vehicle for water tightness 28. Check function of all Bowden cables 29. Check tightness of exhaust flange to manifold 30. Check all bolts, screws and nuts of body, retighten 31.Check wheel studs for tightness, retighten if necessary 32.Check tire pressures 33.Interchange road wheels to balance wear 34.Check toe-in align if necessary 35.Wash Bilge pump and strainer 36.Check operation of all electrical components, adjust headlamps 37.Wipe clean door handles, gear shift, and steering wheel 38.Test run, final inspection, check idling of engine, adjust if necessary Items to be service during maintenance. 1. Grease castor rods 2. Grease steering universal joints 2a. Check steering box oil level 3. Grease stub axle 4. Grease axles tubes 5. Pock fr

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Essay -- social issues

Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are as many different opinions as many people. Public support for the death penalty has decreased only a little in the last years. Meanwhile, many countries have outlawed the practice - capital punishment doesn't exist in the European Union countries - and strict laws about who may be executed are becoming more common. Despite of all this capital punishment is racially, socially and economically biased and allows the possibility of the execution of innocent persons, too. Furthermore, there is no benefit to society that would make it necessary to continue it. For these reasons, the death penalty doesn't support what the ideal criminal justice system tries to achieve and therefore must be abolished. Capital punishment cannot be a collective act of revenge. It must never be allowed to become a release for collective anger. Bud Welch lost his twenty-three year old daughter, Julie, in the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. "I'm opposed to the death penalty. It's vengeance that doesn't do my heart any good..."-said Mr. Welch. Capital punishment is no answer to the major challenges we face as a society. Moreover, it has not proven to be a deterrent to violent crime, and it has mainly occurred to the poor, and more to minority poor. This is not surprising, since a well-paid, high-powered defense team can make all the difference. In the United States there lives a conception of justice: a figure of a blindfolded woman holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other. The scales symbolize the careful investigation of evidence, the sword represents the speed with which justice is dealt with, and the blindfold symbolizes the unprejudiced reach of decision. This has the message that the poor, uneducated defendant has the same opportunity for a quality defense, and has the same chance for justice as the wealthy one. Yet, this could be questioned. Wealthy defendants are able to pay for false witnesses and expensive tests that are not available to poor defendants. The ill-paid Counsel of Defense may not really pay attention at the trial missing important evidence, so they result in their client being sentenced to death. Capital punishment is biased not only this way but also racially. The color of the skin of the accused and victim alike decides whether the death penalty wi... ...n for no reason must also be handled equivalently. There is a problem with a society that allows such a corrupt institution. In the year of 2000, 3058 people were sentenced to death in 65 countries from which 88% took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and in the USA. These numbers are terrifying! No longer should it be believed that executing a person is the only way to ensure that they do not get released from prison and kill again. It would be more necessary to increase the prison sentences of murderers. Imprisonment without the possibility of parole could be the sentence of those who would be sentenced to death under the current system. Such a move would help to calm down the fears of recidivism and would send a strong message to lawbreakers. The abolition of the death penalty would mean the end of executions and that the government wouldn't put any more prisoners to death. It should be recognized that murder is wrong in and of itself. Beyond that, it is wrong even as a secret plan within the heart. It is as old a human problem as Abel's death by his own brother, Cain. We should really keep ourselves away from the spiral of violence because violence begets violence. Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Essay -- social issues Capital Punishment is Not the Answer Capital punishment is a difficult issue and there are as many different opinions as many people. Public support for the death penalty has decreased only a little in the last years. Meanwhile, many countries have outlawed the practice - capital punishment doesn't exist in the European Union countries - and strict laws about who may be executed are becoming more common. Despite of all this capital punishment is racially, socially and economically biased and allows the possibility of the execution of innocent persons, too. Furthermore, there is no benefit to society that would make it necessary to continue it. For these reasons, the death penalty doesn't support what the ideal criminal justice system tries to achieve and therefore must be abolished. Capital punishment cannot be a collective act of revenge. It must never be allowed to become a release for collective anger. Bud Welch lost his twenty-three year old daughter, Julie, in the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. "I'm opposed to the death penalty. It's vengeance that doesn't do my heart any good..."-said Mr. Welch. Capital punishment is no answer to the major challenges we face as a society. Moreover, it has not proven to be a deterrent to violent crime, and it has mainly occurred to the poor, and more to minority poor. This is not surprising, since a well-paid, high-powered defense team can make all the difference. In the United States there lives a conception of justice: a figure of a blindfolded woman holding scales in one hand and a sword in the other. The scales symbolize the careful investigation of evidence, the sword represents the speed with which justice is dealt with, and the blindfold symbolizes the unprejudiced reach of decision. This has the message that the poor, uneducated defendant has the same opportunity for a quality defense, and has the same chance for justice as the wealthy one. Yet, this could be questioned. Wealthy defendants are able to pay for false witnesses and expensive tests that are not available to poor defendants. The ill-paid Counsel of Defense may not really pay attention at the trial missing important evidence, so they result in their client being sentenced to death. Capital punishment is biased not only this way but also racially. The color of the skin of the accused and victim alike decides whether the death penalty wi... ...n for no reason must also be handled equivalently. There is a problem with a society that allows such a corrupt institution. In the year of 2000, 3058 people were sentenced to death in 65 countries from which 88% took place in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and in the USA. These numbers are terrifying! No longer should it be believed that executing a person is the only way to ensure that they do not get released from prison and kill again. It would be more necessary to increase the prison sentences of murderers. Imprisonment without the possibility of parole could be the sentence of those who would be sentenced to death under the current system. Such a move would help to calm down the fears of recidivism and would send a strong message to lawbreakers. The abolition of the death penalty would mean the end of executions and that the government wouldn't put any more prisoners to death. It should be recognized that murder is wrong in and of itself. Beyond that, it is wrong even as a secret plan within the heart. It is as old a human problem as Abel's death by his own brother, Cain. We should really keep ourselves away from the spiral of violence because violence begets violence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ramification Of Jordan :: essays research papers

Trustworthy Computing Continues to Build Momentum The third year of Microsoft’s long-term commitment saw progress in technology investments, industry leadership and customer guidance. REDMOND, Wash., Jan. 13, 2005 -- Scott Charney wants people to think of using their computer in the same way they think of using their telephone. Scott Charney, vice president, Trustworthy Computing, Microsoft Corp. Not that Charney, vice president of Trustworthy Computing at Microsoft, is trying to advocate voice over other communication choices. Rather, he points out that people will walk up to almost any telephone, pick up the receiver and take for granted that they will get a dial tone. Even though the phone system occasionally fails, people are still confident that they will get a dial tone, their call will be completed, and their conversation will be secure and private. Charney wants people to think about computers in the same way. And that is why Microsoft is full steam ahead on its Trustworthy Computing initiative, which marks three years of progress on January 15. Launched by an internal memo from Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates in 2002, Trustworthy Computing is a long-term effort to create and deliver secure, private, and reliable computing experiences for everyone. Charney says Microsoft made significant progress in Trustworthy Computing's third year, progress reflected in its technology investments, industry leadership and customer guidance. Even so, he says, Microsoft recognizes there is a long way to go. "Remember that the telephone evolved over several decades to reach today's level of trust; party lines were hardly secure or private," he says. "Computers have reached global ubiquity in only 20 years, but the industry is still maturing, and reliability, security and privacy -- the things that create trust -- are still improving. People recognize the value of computing, but many people still wonder if something bad will happen when they are using their personal computer. "Trust in computing is critical if technology is to deliver on its promise. Microsoft's leadership will hopefully help the industry generate that trust sooner rather than later." Technology Investment and Innovation Trustworthy Online Microsoft offers numerous sites with information, tips and guidance for users, both corporate and consumer, in support of its Trustworthy Computing initiative. These include: Trustworthy Computing: Complete details about this long-term initiative. Security and Privacy Customer Assistance: More detailed information on how to deal with common security and privacy problems. Security and Privacy reference materials: Microsoft Press publishes an extensive selection of books on computer security, privacy and safety issues.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hawthorn Paper :: essays research papers

Hawthorne’s Use of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne masterfully weaves many themes and character development to format the plot of this novel. The themes of The Scarlet Letter are carried out through symbolism and the four main characters: Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth, and Pearl. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne hoped to show that although Hester and Dimmesdale sinned, they achieved the wisdom of self knowledge and inner growth through their suffering. Before the novel actually begins, there is a section of the book entitled "The Custom House". While this is not an essential part of the novel, it provides insight into Nathaniel Hawthorne and the story itself. Here the reader learns that Hawthorne’s ancestors were strict Puritans. One of his ancestors, Judge Hawthorne, was an actual judge during the Salem Witch Trials. Although Hawthorne did not actually live during the Puritan era, he still felt guilty of his ancestors’ actions. He was angered by the hypocrisy of the Puritan government and the Puritan church which condemned sins, yet committed them. This becomes apparent to the reader throughout the course of the novel. Hawthorne himself believed that "The Custom House" essay was primarily liable for the book’s popularity. "The Custom House," meeting the public’s stipulations for sunshine and substantiality, was, among other things, his way of making up for the unadorned dimness and ambiguity of his mythical and symbolic vision in the novel itself (Crowley 20). Hawthorne seems to have desired to accomplish something more than a frame or penned in tale with the use of "The Custom House" in The Scarlet Letter (Tharpe 63). Every character re-enacts the "Custom House" scene in which Hawthorne himself contemplated the letter, so that the entire "romance" becomes a kind of exposition of the nature of symbolic perception (Kaul 67). A large fraction of the opening chapter is appointed to the rosebush and to some weeds that grow next to the prison. Hawthorne assumes that a wild rose beside the prison door may help to symbolize some fresh virtuous blossom, that may be found along the path, or relieve the drowning ending of an account of human fragility and anguish (Waggoner 119). In the opening chapters the scarlet "A" upon Hester Prynne’s bosom is the object of the entire community. The minds of the general public are confirmed in the mold of Puritan thought, and the real Hester for them is the adulteress. Hawthorn Paper :: essays research papers Hawthorne’s Use of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne masterfully weaves many themes and character development to format the plot of this novel. The themes of The Scarlet Letter are carried out through symbolism and the four main characters: Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingworth, and Pearl. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne hoped to show that although Hester and Dimmesdale sinned, they achieved the wisdom of self knowledge and inner growth through their suffering. Before the novel actually begins, there is a section of the book entitled "The Custom House". While this is not an essential part of the novel, it provides insight into Nathaniel Hawthorne and the story itself. Here the reader learns that Hawthorne’s ancestors were strict Puritans. One of his ancestors, Judge Hawthorne, was an actual judge during the Salem Witch Trials. Although Hawthorne did not actually live during the Puritan era, he still felt guilty of his ancestors’ actions. He was angered by the hypocrisy of the Puritan government and the Puritan church which condemned sins, yet committed them. This becomes apparent to the reader throughout the course of the novel. Hawthorne himself believed that "The Custom House" essay was primarily liable for the book’s popularity. "The Custom House," meeting the public’s stipulations for sunshine and substantiality, was, among other things, his way of making up for the unadorned dimness and ambiguity of his mythical and symbolic vision in the novel itself (Crowley 20). Hawthorne seems to have desired to accomplish something more than a frame or penned in tale with the use of "The Custom House" in The Scarlet Letter (Tharpe 63). Every character re-enacts the "Custom House" scene in which Hawthorne himself contemplated the letter, so that the entire "romance" becomes a kind of exposition of the nature of symbolic perception (Kaul 67). A large fraction of the opening chapter is appointed to the rosebush and to some weeds that grow next to the prison. Hawthorne assumes that a wild rose beside the prison door may help to symbolize some fresh virtuous blossom, that may be found along the path, or relieve the drowning ending of an account of human fragility and anguish (Waggoner 119). In the opening chapters the scarlet "A" upon Hester Prynne’s bosom is the object of the entire community. The minds of the general public are confirmed in the mold of Puritan thought, and the real Hester for them is the adulteress.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Miss Representation Essay

In the documentary film, â€Å"Miss Representation,† produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, 2011, it shows that how the women who are living in the United States are defined by mass media. Image of Women are displaying on a mass media as sex symbol or aid role for the male although women’s life is getting better than before. Moreover, advertisements such as cosmetic and fashion have forced to women severe diet indirectly. Therefore, the documentary film â€Å"Miss Representation† want to not only achieve enhance of women’s role in society but also recover women’s rights through the movie. Actually, I was impressive to women who were arguing in the film because it is different from Asian women who demand their right act. I know that all women did not doing but in Asia, many women demand the women’s right without their effort. Unfortunately, most Asian men are working for aid to women’s satisfaction. For example, men must have own house for marriage and they usually pay for an expensive gift for women’s decoration or anniversary. Many women do not investment for their future; they rely on male just for their convenience. Therefore, many conservative female in Japan do not like this atmosphere which accepted enforcing of women’s right. Moreover, desire of women’s beauty has caused inaccurately advertisement. Many women consume their popularity. In contrast, men do not buy useless cosmetic for their masculine. When the documentary film was finished, I agree that fairness of sexes have to equal. But I do not agree with exaggerated requirement. If men have to pay all things for women, is that valuable to requirement of women? I think their requirements should be acceptable when they have qualification for women’s rights. Of course Men should considerate for women, but women also should not act excessively for their objective.

Global Outlook Global Free Zones of the Future 2012/13

GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 Global Free Zones of the Future 2012/13 Winners fDi MAGAZiNE’S SEcONd GLOBAL RANkiNG OF EcONOMic ZONES HAS AwARdEd duBAi AiRpORt FREE ZONE tHE titLE OF GLOBAL FREE ZONE OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13. Grainne Byrne ANd Courtney FinGar REpORt ON tHE RESuLtS 20 www. fdiintelligence. com June/July 2012 GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 D ubai Airport Free Zone (Dafza), located in the United Arab Emirates, has been crowned fDi Magazine’s Global Free Zone of the Future 2012/13. It has moved from second place in the ranking two years ago to be awarded the top spot.Dafza, which was established in 1996 and considers itself to be the fastest growing free zone in the Middle East, impressed the independent judging panel for a variety of reasons. It has excellent transportation links and a clear focus on attracting FDI. The zone only registers foreign companies, and has more than 1300 operational presently. Dafza ha s an increasing environmental awareness and is implementing ‘green buildings’ and an Inter national Organisation for Standardisation energy management system. Second position goes to UAE-based Dubai International Financial Centre, a newcomer to the ranking.Chinabased Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone (WFTZ), the champion from the 2010/11 ranking, moves into third place. The remainder of the top 10 is made up by Iskandar (Malaysia), DuBiotech (UAE), Tanger Free Zone (Morocco), Freeport of Ventspils (Latvia), The Clark Freeport Zone (Philippines), Chittagong Export Processing Zone (Bangladesh) and Dubai Media City (UAE). As well as being overall fDi Global Free Zone of the Future 2012/13, Dafza takes the top spot in the ‘Best Airport Zone’ category. It is followed by Tanger Free Zone and The Clark Freeport Zone.The top three in the ‘Best Port Zone’ category is led by Tanger Free Zone, with Freeport of Ventspils placed second and Mauritius Freep ort coming in third position. Zones from the Middle East – in particular the UAE – dominated the rankings, with 23 of the top 50 zones coming from the Middle East region and 14 of them from the UAE alone. This is the second such ranking produced by fDi Magazine, with the inaugural Global Free Zones of the Future biennial benchmark being published in June 2010. June/July 2012 www. fdiintelligence. com 21 t GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 op 50 FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13: OVERALL RANK NAme of zoNe couNtRy â€Å"We have made plans for expansion in the future, to [eventually] bring another 1500 companies to the dubai airport free Zone† dr mohammed al Zarooni 22 www. fdiintelligence. com June/July 2012 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11= 11= 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37= 37= 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Dubai airport Free Zone dubai international Financial centre Shanghai waigaoqiao Free trade Z one iskandar duBiotech tanger Free Zone Freeport of Ventspils the clark Freeport Zone chittagong Export processing Zone dubaiMedia city JLt Freezone katowice Special Economic Zone dubai Silicon Oasis Mauritius Freeport Bahrain international investment park khalifa Bin Salman port Salalah Free Zone Lodz Special Economic Zone Bahrain international Airport Aqaba Special Economic Zone twofour54 (Media Zone Authority, Abu dhabi) walbrzych Special Economic Zone dubai international Academic city dubai Healthcare city Rakia Economic Zone dahej Special Economic Zone dubai Studio city El paso international Airport dubai knowledge Village Bahrain Logistics Zone Ras Al khaimah Free trade Zone Montreal port Aqaba international industrial Estate Astana New city Special Economic Zone pomeranian Special Economic Zone klaipeda Free Economic Zone Starachowice Special Economic Zone Sheffield city Region Enterprise Zone industrial Free Zone – togo SEZ Alabuga Free Zone pirot international Media production Zone Zagreb Free Zone dead Sea development Zone & Jabal Ajloun development Zone polaris international industrial park Birmingham city centre Enterprise Zone technological industrial development Zone Skopje 1 & 2 Southeast-Ecka, Zrenjanin Freeport of Riga Rezekne Special Economic Zone Authority ae uAE china Malaysia uAE Morocco Latvia philippines Bangladesh uAE uAE poland uAE Mauritius Bahrain Bahrain Oman poland Bahrain Jordan uAE poland uAE uAE uAE india uAE uS uAE Bahrain uAE canada Jordan kazakhstan poland Lithuania poland uk togo Russia Serbia uAE croatia Jordan Egypt uk Macedonia Serbia Latvia Latvia Secrets of success The world-beating Dafza has set ambitious targets for expansion and diversification and made a point to hedge against potential challenges presented by the global economic climate in the short to medium term. It has also kept a careful eye on the long term. Speaking to fDi in his Dubai offices in January 2012, the Dafza director-general outlined plans to offset the prospects of a slowdown in its core investor markets of Europe and the US, while also increasing the zone’s status as a contributor to the emirate’s GDP. â€Å"The next expansion will be in the next year,† Dr Mohammed Al Zarooni said. We have made plans for expansion in the future, to [eventually] bring another 1500 companies to the Dubai Airport Free Zone, because we have space for that and we can expand. † In the nearer term, the goal is to attract 600 to 700 additional companies in the next five or six years – in line with Dafza’s rate of growth in the 15 years since its inception, which has seen it average 100 new companies each year. With Dafza currently based on a 700,000-square-metre site, it is hoping to expand eastwards this year, with a view to occupying a 100,000-square-metre leasable area. â€Å"We have [already attracted] 1450 companies,† said Mr Al Zarooni. The intention is to further increase that number, w hile keeping an eye on the quality of investments, he added.While keen to uphold the important role of the European companies in Dafza, which account for 37% of the businesses present, Mr Al Zarooni remains aware of the need to diversify the free zone’s economic partners as it expands. â€Å"The majority of our clients are from Europe and they are facing a lot of problems, but that doesn’t mean we are going to stop,† he said. â€Å"We are thankful we brought many companies in last year from Japan. This year our focus will be on the Far East: Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 dubai international airport is home to dubai airport free Zone, which achieved first place in the global free Zones of the future 2012/13 ranking, as well as the leading airport zone top five BESt AiRpORt ZONES RANK NAme of zoNe couNtRy 1 2 3 4 5 5Dubai airport Free Zone tanger Free Zone the clark Freeport Zone Mauritius Freeport Salal ah Free Zone Bahrain international Airport uae Morocco philippines Mauritius Oman Bahrain Japan, China and even India, in case we face some difficulty in bringing in more companies from Europe, America and Australia. † Serving a variety The push for diversification is a mark of many of the world’s more successful zones, according to James Ku, managing director of Indev Partners, who served on the judging panel that helped assess the participating zones for the rankings. â€Å"The most successful zones are either diversified zones with scale or highly specialised zones catering to a specific industry,† he says. Large diversified zones have been able to invest in infrastructure and offer a wide range of amenities, such as ready-built factories that provide flexibility to investors. The large size required to attain economies of scale for such developments have meant that most of the top zones are in the rapidly developing Middle June/July 2012 www. fdiintelligence. com East and Asian countries where land is relatively easier to acquire. Specialised zones have been used most effectively in Dubai, where investors can have access to unique amenities such as laboratories or high-speed communications. † Mr Ku sees the free zone model continuing to have relevance, especially in the current economic climate. Almost all of the zones continue to offer significant tax holidays and fiscal incentives. It highlights that even in a time when budgetary constraints and fiscal austerity are at the forefront, it will be hard for governments to scale back such incentives if they wish to remain globally competitive,† he says. Chairman of the World Free Zone Convention (WFZC) Graham Mather, who served on the judging panel, has also highlighted the vital role that free zones can play in helping the global economy through difficult times. Addressing the 11th â€Å"the most successful Zones are either diversified Zones With scale or highly specialised Z ones catering to a specific industry† James Ku t 25GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 tanger free Zone is strategically located near to the tanger-med port and is rated the best port zone and sixth best overall free zone top five BESt pORt ZONES RANK NAme of zoNe couNtRy 1 2 3 4 5 tanger Free Zone Freeport of Ventspils Mauritius Freeport khalifa Bin Salman port Salalah Free Zone Morocco Latvia Mauritius Bahrain Oman WFZC event in Shanghai in November 2011, he said free zones â€Å"have much to offer† at a time when the world is desperately seeking job creation, economic growth and development ahead of an anticipated downturn amid a worsening eurozone crisis. â€Å"Free zones are key to the world’s search for growth,† he added.Citing a World Bank study analysing the benefits of free zones, which include the ability to absorb unemployed labour, raise skills and productivity levels, and generate taxes from inception, Mr Mather said these a re among the reasons why many countries are returning to the free zone model or newly embracing it as a way out of economic troubles. â€Å"All areas of the world could benefit from free zones and they all need them,† he said. zonal marking Eastern Europe was well represented in the rankings, and judge John Worthington of IBT Partners was among those bullish on the region’s offerings. â€Å"Having worked closely with numerous European economic zones, IBT Partners can say from experience that the high quality of infrastructure and extensive network of all forms of transportation is something that sets European economic zones apart from those of other regions,† he says. With world-class airports, road, railway and port systems strategically clustered in various hubs across the continent, companies who are looking to expand their logistics network in Europe are consistently impressed with the efficiency and practicality of its transport systems. According to fDiâ⠂¬â„¢s survey, all the European free zones featured in this list are highly â€Å"all areas of the World could benefit from free Zones and they all need them† graham mather 26 t www. fdiintelligence. com June/July 2012 GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 the Waigaoqiao free trade Zone in shanghai is ranked third best free zone of the future accessible and possess well developed transport infrastructure. Asia’s zones are, of course, not to be overlooked. â€Å"With the highest average levels of education among emerging economies, Eastern economic zones have at their disposal a labour force with one of the highest skill-to-cost ratios, resulting in massive influxes of FDI into China and s o u t h – e a s t A s i a ,† s ay s M r Worthington. â€Å"At different stages of transition between primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, these are attractive regions for a wide range of industries. India, China, Singapore and the Philippines, in pa rticular, are regarded as zones of fast growth and attraction, which is reflected by the huge increases in employment in he past two years in their respective economic free zones. † African zones, many of which look to the successful Middle Eastern zones as models, have lagged behind but many are now showing promise. The Industrial Free Zone of Togo was the lone sub-Saharan mainland African zone to make the top 50. â€Å"Due to their comprehensive list of fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, low levels of regulatory restrictions, and rapidly improving standards of living, African free zones are becoming increasingly attractive FDI destinations. Those in Morocco and Mauritius, in particular, couple this with a stable political and economic structure, making them highly desirable destinations. It is worth men- ioning that the Tanger Economic Free Zone of Morocco boasts an impressive increase of 20,000 employees in the past two years,† says Mr Worthington. A booming region of the world, South America, has been far behind the curve in using free zones as a path to development, as well as in promoting the zones it does have to the world. This is reflected in the poor participation of zones from this region in the benchmarking study. None were cited in the top 50 list. Two North American zones, meanwhile, made the cut. John Hanna, managing director of GDP Global Development, also served on the judging panel, along with fDi editor Courtney Fingar. n October/November 2007 www. fdiintelligence. com June/July 2012 28 GLOBAL OutLOOk GLOBAL FREE ZONES OF tHE FutuRE 2012/13 skandar in Johor, malaysia, is ranked fourth in the global free Zones of the future 2012/13 JuDGiNG pANeL couRtNey fiNGAR Editor, fDi Magazine More than 600 free zones across 120 countries were invited by fDi Magazine to complete a survey requesting both qualitative and methoDoLoGy quantitative data regarding their free zones. The information collected was set under five categories: incentives , facilities, cost-effectiveness, transportation and best FDI promotion. A total of 56 zones submitted details regarding many aspects of their zones and this was judged and scored by an independent judging panel. JohN hANNA Managing director, Gdp Global development JuDGiNG cRiteRiAGeneral inForMation †¢ Totalsize †¢ Totallandavailablefordevelopment †¢ Expansioninlandareainthepasttwo years; and/or plans for expansion in the next two years †¢ Totalofficespaceavailable †¢ Totalemployment †¢ Increaseinemploymentinthepasttwo years †¢ Numberofbusinessesoperatinginthe zone †¢ Totalvolumeofgoodsprocessedinthe zone †¢ Increaseintotalvolumeofgoods processed in the past two years †¢ Percentageofinvestorcompaniesthat expand their presence in the zone †¢ Anyrestrictionsforsettingupinthe zone inCentives †¢ Typesofincentivesoffered †¢ Descriptionoftheincentivesoffered including any requirements for eligibility †¢ Administratives ervicesofferedtoassist investors FaCilities †¢ Keyeconomicandindustrialsectors supported by the zone †¢ Rangeofwarehousefacilities,industrial units, logistics and office spaces available †¢ Amenitiesofferedtohelpinvestors Costs †¢ Annualaveragerentalcostofindustrial facilities, warehouse space, office space, undeveloped land, condominium and others (per m? ) †¢ Averagecostperunitofwatercosts(per m? ), electricity costs (per kw/hr) and gas costs (per m? †¢ Annualaveragecostoflabourfor unskilled worker, semi-skilled worker and highly skilled worker transportation †¢ Presencewithinzoneofairport,port, major motorways, railway or other †¢ Presencenearzoneofairport,port, major motorways, railway or other †¢ Descriptionofanymajorplanned infrastructure projects proMotion strateGy †¢ Website †¢ Digital/webpromotionactivities undertaken to create interest in the zone †¢ Othermarketing,communicationsor promotional activities undertake n †¢ Methodsusedtoidentifypotential investors, and strategy for approaching and engaging them †¢ Thezone’smarketingslogan/brief summary of its appeal †¢ Statementfromzone’schiefexecutive, director or president on his or her vision for achieving the zone full Fdi potential serviCes *asked of services zones †¢ Descriptionofservicesofferedby companies in the zone †¢Telecommunicationandtechnology infrastructure †¢Disasterrecoveryservicesofferedonsite †¢Internetspeedoffered †¢Availablelabourpoolandthe%ofwhich speak more than one language †¢Officespaceavailability †¢Majorplannedprojects JAmeS Ku Managing director, indev partners GRAhAm mAtheR chairman, world Free Zone convention JohN WoRthiNGtoN partner, iBt partners An additional set of information was sought from airport and port zones regarding their facilities and capacity 30 www. fdiintelligence. com June/July 2012